Thursday, November 24, 2011

What kinds of silk plants can I use in my aquarium?

I have a large salt water aquarium but the problem is it is really tall and I can't seem to find affordable and tall enough silk plants for decoration. I wanted to go to the craft store to purchase these. What should I look for? Obviously nothing with wire or metal that can rust but is there a better type to look for or does anyone know a good online store?

Thanks!|||Artificial plants have come a long way since they were first introduced and now look more realistic than ever. Their durability also makes them suitable to be kept with fish that would destroy live plants and those that would eat the real thing. They are useful for hiding equipment and making areas feel more secure for nervous fish, and, of course, they will tolerate any type of water.

Many species of fish are found in the vicinity of live plants in the natural world, but they are there to eat them as well as use them for cover. Using artificial plants in place of live plants provides an effective solution to this problem, since they can provide cover without being on the menu.

Silk is an alternative material for replica aquarium plants, and because it is finer material than plastic, the plants move in the water more naturally and have realistic leaf shapes. They are cheap and can be mixed with live plants and not stand out as being fakes. Many types are available and they are easily anchored in the gravel.|||Blue Ribbon Pet Products recently added silk plants to their products. They have some very tall and full plants. Call around to see which stores carry them. Some manufactures make tall plants, but aren't very full.|||DO NOT get silk plants from a craft store. They are full of dye that could kill the fish. Buy them from a fish store. The are specially make for fish tanks.

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