Saturday, November 19, 2011

What's the difference between silk screened posters and digital posters?

What's the difference between silk screened posters and digital posters? My friends collect movie/concert posters and they say silk screen is the best. Why is that?|||Digital printing is a more recent development where printing plates are used which result in a quicker and less expensive process. Inkjet and Laser printers are common examples which use the digital printing technique. Digital printers are very effective wen it comes to short turn around.The overall cost is highly reduced because the cost of building the plates is eliminated, whereas Silk Screen printing involves construction of a stencil usually out of a silk screen, where blank areas are coated with an impermeable substance and then ink is forced through the mesh onto the printing surface. Screen printing is considered more durable in terms of quality and it is highly cost effective when it comes to bulk printing. Digitally printed posters lose their texture and fade away over time but this is not the case with silk screened posters as they can retain their for quality for a relatively longer period when compared to Digitally printed posters.|||Modern mass produced movie posters aren't produced by silk screen printing. They are usually printed using lithographic printing presses. Old movie posters may have been reproduced using silk screen or lithographic printing or even linocuts.

Digital printing can either involve inkjet printing, or lithographic plates can be produced digitally too. No old movie posters were printed digitally - because the technology wasn't invented then!|||Ink quality. Digital printer toner/ink most of the time is about cost effectiveness rather than about how long the product is going to be around. Posters are made with a cheaper ink that fades over time faster than silk screen ink.

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